Jun 9Liked by Mr. Ma

So i have definitely been a believer and practitioner of self doctoring since i was a young man and i am interested in the speed of blood. I just wonder how this can be achieved when one is sporting a shrivelled thyroid gland and departed spleen? I understand that the body is very inventive and capable but these anomalies maybe unsurmountable

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MIND massage can speed up blood flow, and physical damage to the body cannot be repaired by MINDCUROLOGY. This is the strength of surgical medicine.

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Feb 27Liked by Mr. Ma

Sounds 😊 good…

My Gen brought up to trust dr’s. I’ve found not only are they human, some are not trustworthy. And if they don’t know should refer you on- ego gets in way though.

I did see a wonderful video by a Dr. in Canada last night & the relation of glucose to cancer. It was amazing. And of course, good is capitalistic now which is sorrowful, so no wonder they’ve hidden & lied about. The same 5th Ave. Marketers who misinformed for years about cigarettes, to keep people smoking, who didn’t want to quit since addicted, more works for the meat industry. Humans don’t have digestive systems for meat!! Someone asked a body builder, how are you strong as an ox eating only plants?! He replied, did you ever see an ox eating meat- 😆! Yay. 😁

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It is precisely because my MINDCUROLOGY discovered the biggest problem in medicine that I feel confident. The problems that cannot be solved by medicine are the problems that MINDCUROLOGY can solve. It is understandable that capital pursues profit. So the wrong thing is wrong no matter how you do it. It has little to do with capital.

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Feb 27Liked by Mr. Ma

Love this .😘😘😘

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