If we begin to view ourselves like a pipes then we might understand what is said here. What happens when a blockage happens in the pipe? The aspect of the vital organs I luv. The skin is secondary not the root. The western medicine system focuses on the symptom. Amazing article that a layman can utilize. Hope this is everywhere. Again out it on the refrigerator. Another winner for Mr. Ma
They think that diseases are mysterious and scary. The real cause of disease is only one, which is the blockage of blood circulation. Bacteria and viruses just take advantage of the opportunity to enter. The so-called flies don't bite seamless eggs.🙃🙃🙃
I've been able to work on congenital disease to remove some of the deepest stuff that is blocking the circulatory system but it has to follow the channel where it is trying to leave. Most people miss this part. if you press on your body, you immediately feel the extremity heat up, tingle and itch. So if there is an inner area that is blocked. if you remove the knots and kinks along the tube it can be removed. I start with the fingertips and the toes and specifically work through the joints where most things get held. Would love to chat more about what has been lost, forgotten and missed in ancient techniques.
There are things that the ancients didn't know about our toxic super yang world. It uses visualization, breath, reworking belief systems. but mostly it's working with pathway that the heat, density and toxin is trying to exit. The exits have been blocked. I've been channeling and can see, hear, and feel the energy and what it asks for and have been linking many practices to see astounding results.
Great article ... just wanted to add some information
My background is RN of 30 years with holistic practices and also a licensed massage therapist of 17 years .
In most cases with skin disorders or diseases, massage is contraindicated .
And I agree with you we have to look at the root cause . Usually it lies in the gut-skin axis. I'm sure you've heard of the gut-brain axis.
The gut microbiome plays a major part of our immune system, and also mental health issues like anxiety and depression.
Before I becane completely holistic, I had periods of time working at the VA as a nurse where I would be under extreme stress and my chest and neck would break out in hives and welts. I went to the best dermatologists here and they would give me topical creams and strong, topical steroids and it would make matters worse. It never cleared it up.
So I decided to start working on my gut and getting it balanced. Bone broth played a crucial role in that. And then I had to work on my perception of the stress and how I was going to deal with it. After addressing both of those issues, my skin healed completely..
The skin is the largest organ of the body, and it's our number one line of defense against all microorganisms. What some people may not know is that there Re good and bad bacteria. We should never try to get rid of the good bacteria because then the harmful bacteria will take over. I was always concerned about that during Covid because everybody was wiping everything down with bleach and whatever else they were using and killing a lot of the good bacteria, which would make matters worse.
I had a case with a man in the intensive care unit that got Steven Johnson Syndrome, which is basically where your skin starts peeling off of your body. His came from aspirin, which he had been taking for about 25 years due to heart conditions he had at age 20 and he was now 45. He took one every single day no problem until one day he took it and he developed Steven Johnson Syndrome.
The skin was falling off and we could not regulate his body temperature as well as many other things - was in the burn unit ICU and he had lost so much skin. He passed away at age 45. Another thing people don't realize is that any medication that you take can do this.
The other thing is that because Massage is contraindicated in so many skin disorders or diseases, that there is one way to treat it as well and that's through reflexology. And it works. I've worked on people with diabetes, skin issues, and so much more...but usually with skin issues I start with the gut and the mind.
Here's just one of thousands of articles that speak of what I'm mentioning above and I just wanted to share it .
Gut–Skin Axis: Current Knowledge of the Interrelationship between Microbial Dysbiosis and Skin Conditions
I'm not talking about just manual massage which does improve circulation. There's also many different modalities in massage include polarity and other types.
I appreciate your long article, but it is not a good behavior for you to comment without knowing anything about my MINDCUROLOGY. MIND massage does not involve actual massage and will not cause any harm to the skin. I suggest you read more of my articles before commenting. 🙃🙃🙃
Mr. Ma, I listed more things than just Massage and I wasn't speaking of just manual massage at all because it does improve circulation etc...so many modalities in Massage that include polarity some even consider Reiki a form of massage.
One of my main points was that a lot of skin issues really start in the gut and also in the mind as my example of when I was under tremendous stress and broke out all over my chest and my neck up to my chin in hives and welts.
My intent was not to disprove you. My intent was to add additional information. My apologies if it appeared that way and you received it that way.
Mr. Ma, I did go and read a few of your articles and now I understand.
I actually was in acupuncture school to be an acupuncture physician and I understand blood stagnation and also the concept. The western world definitely does not understand the disease or the process and they just want to keep people sick because it’s a business and it’s how they stay in business. I go to acupuncture weekly and it helps tremendously.
Chinese practices have been around for what about 4000 years or so? and so far more advanced than what is in the west.
Thank you. This's a very good reminder. Rubbish bins attract flies. A clean internal environment attracts good things. Disease is mostly scary because of fear. Thank you. X
If we begin to view ourselves like a pipes then we might understand what is said here. What happens when a blockage happens in the pipe? The aspect of the vital organs I luv. The skin is secondary not the root. The western medicine system focuses on the symptom. Amazing article that a layman can utilize. Hope this is everywhere. Again out it on the refrigerator. Another winner for Mr. Ma
thank you very much 🤗🤗🤗
You are welcome. Always a pleasure.
They think that diseases are mysterious and scary. The real cause of disease is only one, which is the blockage of blood circulation. Bacteria and viruses just take advantage of the opportunity to enter. The so-called flies don't bite seamless eggs.🙃🙃🙃
I've been able to work on congenital disease to remove some of the deepest stuff that is blocking the circulatory system but it has to follow the channel where it is trying to leave. Most people miss this part. if you press on your body, you immediately feel the extremity heat up, tingle and itch. So if there is an inner area that is blocked. if you remove the knots and kinks along the tube it can be removed. I start with the fingertips and the toes and specifically work through the joints where most things get held. Would love to chat more about what has been lost, forgotten and missed in ancient techniques.
There are things that the ancients didn't know about our toxic super yang world. It uses visualization, breath, reworking belief systems. but mostly it's working with pathway that the heat, density and toxin is trying to exit. The exits have been blocked. I've been channeling and can see, hear, and feel the energy and what it asks for and have been linking many practices to see astounding results.
good 👍
Great article ... just wanted to add some information
My background is RN of 30 years with holistic practices and also a licensed massage therapist of 17 years .
In most cases with skin disorders or diseases, massage is contraindicated .
And I agree with you we have to look at the root cause . Usually it lies in the gut-skin axis. I'm sure you've heard of the gut-brain axis.
The gut microbiome plays a major part of our immune system, and also mental health issues like anxiety and depression.
Before I becane completely holistic, I had periods of time working at the VA as a nurse where I would be under extreme stress and my chest and neck would break out in hives and welts. I went to the best dermatologists here and they would give me topical creams and strong, topical steroids and it would make matters worse. It never cleared it up.
So I decided to start working on my gut and getting it balanced. Bone broth played a crucial role in that. And then I had to work on my perception of the stress and how I was going to deal with it. After addressing both of those issues, my skin healed completely..
The skin is the largest organ of the body, and it's our number one line of defense against all microorganisms. What some people may not know is that there Re good and bad bacteria. We should never try to get rid of the good bacteria because then the harmful bacteria will take over. I was always concerned about that during Covid because everybody was wiping everything down with bleach and whatever else they were using and killing a lot of the good bacteria, which would make matters worse.
I had a case with a man in the intensive care unit that got Steven Johnson Syndrome, which is basically where your skin starts peeling off of your body. His came from aspirin, which he had been taking for about 25 years due to heart conditions he had at age 20 and he was now 45. He took one every single day no problem until one day he took it and he developed Steven Johnson Syndrome.
The skin was falling off and we could not regulate his body temperature as well as many other things - was in the burn unit ICU and he had lost so much skin. He passed away at age 45. Another thing people don't realize is that any medication that you take can do this.
The other thing is that because Massage is contraindicated in so many skin disorders or diseases, that there is one way to treat it as well and that's through reflexology. And it works. I've worked on people with diabetes, skin issues, and so much more...but usually with skin issues I start with the gut and the mind.
Here's just one of thousands of articles that speak of what I'm mentioning above and I just wanted to share it .
Gut–Skin Axis: Current Knowledge of the Interrelationship between Microbial Dysbiosis and Skin Conditions
Thank you for the great article and I just wanted to add some more information.
The massage you are talking about is a regular manual massage and MIND massage is not the same thing.
well, not just manual massage
I'm not talking about just manual massage which does improve circulation. There's also many different modalities in massage include polarity and other types.
I appreciate your long article, but it is not a good behavior for you to comment without knowing anything about my MINDCUROLOGY. MIND massage does not involve actual massage and will not cause any harm to the skin. I suggest you read more of my articles before commenting. 🙃🙃🙃
Mr. Ma, I listed more things than just Massage and I wasn't speaking of just manual massage at all because it does improve circulation etc...so many modalities in Massage that include polarity some even consider Reiki a form of massage.
One of my main points was that a lot of skin issues really start in the gut and also in the mind as my example of when I was under tremendous stress and broke out all over my chest and my neck up to my chin in hives and welts.
My intent was not to disprove you. My intent was to add additional information. My apologies if it appeared that way and you received it that way.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend 🙏
You are so kind, comments other than massage are very valuable. I wish you a happy day. 🥰🥰🥰
Mr. Ma, I did go and read a few of your articles and now I understand.
I actually was in acupuncture school to be an acupuncture physician and I understand blood stagnation and also the concept. The western world definitely does not understand the disease or the process and they just want to keep people sick because it’s a business and it’s how they stay in business. I go to acupuncture weekly and it helps tremendously.
Chinese practices have been around for what about 4000 years or so? and so far more advanced than what is in the west.
Again, apologies for any miscommunication.
Namaste 🙏
Thank you. This's a very good reminder. Rubbish bins attract flies. A clean internal environment attracts good things. Disease is mostly scary because of fear. Thank you. X
good 👍👍👍